- Etza Meisyara (Self Curated)
- Etza Meisyara
- 17.8.18 - 16.10.18
ALCHEMIST refers to my love adventures in foreign lands where rustique landscape and the scent of age old buildings evoked in my sense of undefined melancholy. At September and December 2018, there was a natural disaster of tsunami and earth quake in Palu and Selat Sunda, Indonesia. The Idea of the sea is taking into a deep meaning as beauty and tragedy at the same time. I went to the sea dipped the photographs of the scenery and disaster on the copper plate. By the time, the copper plate is oxidised by the sea salt and ammoniac. The greenish blue hue that marks these etching refer to my feeling at that time. It is a hue that is not coloured on the plates, but emerged as a result of chemical liquid predestined to touch on several points of the copper plate. Disclosure of sadness, feeling of emotion, or pain that cannot be fully controlled, it becomes metaphor as negatively charged in the oxidation process. The essence of this art work delivers humanistic nuances in favour of the existence of human beings to involved in the feeling of melancholia.
(Etza Meisyara-Drawing by Charcoal2)
(Etza Meisyara-Drawing by Charcoal1)
(Etza Meisyara)
(Etza Meisyara-Iqra_Baca)
(Etza Meisyara-Ode To My Homeland)
(Etza Meisyara-Ode To My Homeland 2)
(Etza Meisyara-Meisyara,1)
(Etza Meisyara-Cold Water)
(Etza Meisyara-Empty House)
(Etza Meisyara-Nowhere Man-04-24-21_47_25-Window)
(Etza Meisyara-Pursuit The Horizon-04-24-21_47_38-Window)
(Etza Meisyara Installation View (Passing By)-04-24-21_48_24-Window)
(Etza Meisyara-Mother and Daughter-04-24-21_47_05-Window)
(Etza Meisyara Installation view (passing By))
(Etza Meisyara-The Solitary Space of Silence_The Secret Garden_)
(Etza Meisyara-The Solitary Space of Silence_The Reservoir_)
(Etza Meisyara-The Solitary Space of Silence_The Secret Garden_)
(Etza Meisyara-Abra _Berkilau_)
(Etza Meisyara-Arkala _Menyala_)
(Etza Meisyara-Arkana _Terang_)
(Etza Meisyara-Asrah _Berserah_)
(Etza Meisyara-Caya _Cahaya_)
(Etza Meisyara-Dilahna _Sinar_)
(Etza Meisyara-Kala _waktu_)
(Etza Meisyara-Configuration _2_ Eternal Duality)
(Etza Meisyara-Serenade of Hope __Where words leave off, music begins_)
(etza meisyara-How Does It Feel To Be A Refugee)
(Etza Meisyara-Reverso)
(Etza MeisyaraxOrigin Research-Impromptu_Ensemble of Pasar Jatayu_Balubur detail 1)
(Etza MeisyaraxOrigin Research-Impromptu_Ensemble of Pasar Jatayu_Balubur detail 2)
(Etza MeisyaraxOrigin Research-Impromptu_Ensemble of Pasar Jatayu_Balubur detail 3)
(Etza MeisyaraxOrigin Research-Impromptu_Ensemble of Pasar Jatayu_Balubur)
(Etza Meisyara-Configuration _2_ Eternal Duality)
(Etza Meisyara-Eternal Duality 1)
(Etza Meisyara-Eternal Duality 2)
(Etza Meisyara-Eternal Duality 3)
(Etza Meisyara-Holy Water)
(Etza Meisyara-Son of Soil)
(Etza Meisyara-Wind Tunnel)
(Etza Meisyara-Garam di Laut, Asam di Gunung bertemu dalam Belanga 1)
(Etza Meisyara-Garam di Laut, Asam di Gunung bertemu dalam Belanga 2)
(Etza Meisyara-Garam di Laut, Asam di Gunung bertemu dalam Belanga 3)
(Etza Meisyara-Garam di Laut, Asam di Gunung bertemu dalam Belanga 4)
(Etza Meisyara-Garam di Laut, Asam di Gunung bertemu dalam Belanga 5)
(Etza Meisyara-Arkala)
(Etza Meisyara-Niscaya)
(Etza Meisyara-Sarasvati)
(Etza Meisyara_MUTED LANDSCAPE _PIANO _ STRING QUARTET AMBIENCE__100 x 100 cm_Photo etching, patina on brass plate_2023)
(Etza Meisyara - Kelana _Menyusun_ - not HD)
(Etza Meisyara_Samira_Photo Etching on Copper_180x100cm_2022)
(Etza Meisyara_This Too Shall Pass_Photo Etching, patina on brass_60x50cm_2024)
(BADRA, 200 x 100 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(EILA, 200 x 100 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(HARA, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(KAMA, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(LAVANAA, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(NADISH, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(TANVIR, 200 x 100 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(YASAH, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)
(ZAYYA, 100 x 60 cm, Photo etching, patina on brass plate, 2024)