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Dark and Light stories of the archipelago

When Satya is drawing, she is always evolving from the narrative to the psychological not attempting to represent something 'real', well-framed and knowledge-based, as is often the case with drawing in the West. Neither is she attempting to show something philosophically essentialized, as in drawing in the Far East. She is free. As such, she simply draws her singular line, which soon turns into multiple lines as the forms obey the flux of her inner world - her emotions. There is no longer any referential reality or narrative at play. We are transported to an imaginary world of wonders that simply flows forth, from within the depths of Satya's psyche. There she is, exposing her inner self to us and, at the same time the inner problematic of women condition. So there she is. In one work, she features a lonely woman's innocence; in another, it is a surrealistic wonderland; in a third, it is an improbable embrace of love that morphs into an embrace of lines. Wherever she takes us, it is never to a well-defined place in a well-defined world; it is simply elsewhere - beyond the real world. In this place, Satya's female figures are standing or lying down, alone or in groups, but so virginal and so pure, and in such an idyllic environment that the question cannot but come to one's mind: "What if such an idyllic environment was not, in fact, depicting an idyllic dream-reality, but instead was a refusal on Satya's part - to face a darker reality? What if most of her works exhibited (the idyllic ones) were but the white side of a more dichotomous black and white reality? As if darkness could be set aside for good? Indeed. If one runs through Satya's works, alongside the 'white' virgin, there is sometimes a darker dragon snake. Bodies are torn. Heads are flying around. The 'state of nature' is ever present. Bodies become vegetation. There are destructive forces at work. And there is always energy, featured in red lines, set to wreak havoc on the balance she has achieved. In her works, Satya is in fact always taling talking about her own condition as a woman. Like many women, torn between light and dark, dreams of purity and threats of violence. She does not “represent” women nor does she want to, but she is their voice.