Arief Budiman
Arief Budiman is an artist and filmmaker who currently lives in Yogyakarta. The medium of his works revolves around the development of moving images and media art. In the past few years, Arief's artistic practice has been closely related to the internet, archives, and collective memory related to historical themes and violence that has occurred in Indonesia. For Arief, the internet and technology are instruments that can open up new possibilities in reading the dark history of the past. Through this instrument, he created an alternative history of the historical inequalities that had already been established and a counter-narrative of unresolved cases of violence.
Arief is also a member of two art collectives, Piring Tirbing and MES 56. Arief had two solo exhibitions in Yogyakarta: "On Moving Text" at Lir Space and "Adegan Yang Hilang: 1982-1985" at Kedai Kebun Forum. One of his works won the Julius Baer Next Generation Art Prize 2021 for the moving images category. Some of Arief's works have been exhibited at several events, such as
Biennale Jogja XVI Equator #6 (2021), Art Fair Philippines (2021), "Transient Museum of Se Thousand Conversation" ISCP - New York (2020), "Gerobak Bioskop" at Dhaka Art Summit, Bangladesh (2020), Arkipel - Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival "Bromocorah" (2019), 36th Kassel Film and Video Documentary Festival - Kassel (2019), V Nodo Caracas Video Festival - Barcelona (2019), Indonesia Neataudio Festival 3.0 (2018), and "The Worldwide Exhibition" Vieniti4/Siete Galeria - Costa Rica (2017).